Remembering Ted Behr

As a long term Pasadena businessman and property owner, Ted Stood above many of his Pasadena Beautiful peers by his length of devotion and sustained generosity toward furthering the mission of the foundation. He first was a long standing member providing support for many years, often voicing his knowledge and support of the value of trees and landscape in the community.

He then served on the board with regular attendance, missing meetings only when he was away on travel despite a serious medical condition that took him from us. Few of us were even aware of his condition as he tended to the business at hand asking guiding questions and offering sage advice. He was kind and thoughtful, never overbearing or calling attention to himself.

Early in the new millennium, when the Foundation was briefly in the red he would thoughtfully review the Treasurer’s report taking in the difficulty of the situation. Without notice at the conclusion of the meeting, he would quietly hand the President a check of a very sizable amount. His thoughtful generosity brought us to solvency in very short order.

Ted is honored with this bench and plaque placed on Orange Grove Boulevard near California. Two new magnolias will someday shade bus travelers enjoying the rest spot.

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