Pasadena Beautiful Foundation is pleased to introduce our newest Board member, Christian Arndt.
Christian is a licensed architect and has spent the past 35 years working throughout Southern California on a wide variety of large commercial projects. Most recently he worked at Moule & Polyzoides Architects in the Wallace Neff Office Building at California Avenue.
During his tenure he participated on the Metro Gold Line-Del Mar Station, the De Mandel athletic pool at Occidental College in Eagle Rock, Plaza la Reina boutique hotel in Westwood, and Patios de Cordova condominiums in Pasadena at the intersection of Oakland and Cordova Boulevard.
‘’I became disappointed with the current state of the professions for Architecture, Construction and Development. So in response, I have embarked on my solo career specializing in the design of custom homes with the Southern California characteristics we love and admire’’, said Christian. He has an enormous admiration for Southern Californian’s historic and traditional homes. He also serves on committees with Pasadena Heritage and The Institute for Classical Architecture and Art.
He loves all dogs, fine food and wine, attends classic car shows and likes traveling locally and overseas.
We believe his background and expertise will bring a great perspective to our organization.
Brad Hanson, President
Please see Christian’s video tour of Pasadena City Hall: